Glass bongs vs Plastic Bongs

Ahh, a tough decision for any stoner to make. You may have questions such as ‘are plastic bongs good’ or ‘should I get a glass or acrylic bong’. Well, recline and listen because I have the answers you are looking for! Before I give my answer I should say that both plastic and glass bongs will get the job done and provide the user with a super fun bubbling experience. Let’s be realistic. Most of you are not here to read an essay. So instead of making you read paragraph after paragraph I am going to cut to the chase and tell you that glass bongs are better than plastic bongs hands down.
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Glass bongglass bong exampleplastic bongother plastic bongglass bongceramic bong

Why I think Glass Bongs are better than Plastic

There are 3 strong reasons for why glass bongs are better than plastic. To find out exactly what makes glass the most popular choice for all stoners please click below.

Click here for Reason 1

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Click here for Reason 1


This is a quick guide for any smoker out there who is unsure whether they should buy a glass bong or a plastic bong, there are good reasons for both materials so having to pick one can be pretty tricky for some weed smokers. Both of these types of water pipes (another word for bongs) have their advantages and disadvantages so it is going to come down to personal preference and your custom situation (I will go a head and tell you right now, if you are clumsy you need to buy a plastic bong! needless to mention, glass breaks easily. Sure you can get a thick glass bong, but it can still break if dropped pretty easily). However I will still give you my opinion on what material I prefer and why. For me the reason for making use of one of these tools in the first place is that it provides a much more pleasant smoking sensation. By this I mean the actual feel of the smoke passes down much easier. Hot smoke from a joint can be uncomfortable for some cannabis smokers and obviously hot smoke will damage you much more than cooler smoke. While plastic bongs are still way better than using a joint, it just does not give the cool crispy hit that glass delivers to the user. This is due to glass having a smoother surface that smoke can just glide across, also glass stays at a lower temperature than plastic, which easily succumbs to the room temperature.
After clicking through the pages and reading the reasons why glass bongs are better than plastic you should be ready to buy a bong at, I recommend clicking on one of our sponsors banners and viewing their collection of glass and plastic water pipes (remember, water pipes are just another name for the popular bong). You could even check out a guide on bongs for sale. We only allow the best bong shops to advertise with us, this makes sure our readers land on trustworthy websites full of high quality products and tools. Feel free to take a look around my blog and see what else I have been up too. From my daily stoner activities to reviews, guides and tutorials, we cover a huge aspect of cannabis smoking and culture.

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